Jacob Bogatin: "French rules of healthy eating"

How does our desire to eat a bun is associated with stress? How do berries and fruits protect our body from the development of tumors? Why should sweets with dyes be excluded from the diet of children and adults? What is better than yeast bread on leaven? Why is breastfeeding useful not only for the child but also for his mother? Moreover, which way of cooking is the most useful? The book of the French surgeon, oncologist and nutritionist Henri Jouyayo "Change nutrition" takes the first place in France among editions on dietetics, says Jacob Bogatin. Selected quotes from the book - in this post.

The Magic Pill
"In fact, the logic of some pharmaceutical companies is simple:" Keep eating somehow and behave like a horrible and take these tablets from cholesterol, others - from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and rheumatism; and at the slightest despondency, sleep disturbance or mood, we recommend you one more pill ... "Such statements concerning public health issues sound absurd, says Jacob Bogatin."

First step
"It is necessary to refuse or reduce the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index, such as refined sugar, white bread, pizza and pasta and, of course, confectionery, bakery and chocolate bars, as well as snack foods, as soon as possible. Instead, it is better to eat fresh fruits for the season and a certain amount of dried fruits. Refuse sweetened drinks that contain sugar or artificial sweeteners ("light" drinks), strong alcohol or excessive amounts of wine and beer, says Jacob Bogatin. "


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